Das Wachstum der Krippe von Cignano
The “first steps” are made in the theatre
of the oratory of Cignano. Is here that in occasion of the Saint Natale
2000 our first realization was prepared, the surface on hand was of
approximately 40 mq. Small, but did not lack nothing. The successive
year, the desire of to grow has made us to watch beyond. Asked the
availability to the Communal Administration for a width it knows it of
approximately 150mq near the noble palace that was of the "Pontoglio
family", in order to make better of the first edition. The group of the
collaborators has been reinforced and in spite of the multiple
difficulties due of the new and the much wider place the eve of Natale
we were ready for the opening. Meantime the voice began to scatter
itself to outside of the borders of the country and, beyond to the
residents, they visited presepio many “forestieri”. The successive
vintage years we were growing of innovation, satisfactions and of
public, thousands of persons they visited our cribb, committees from
every place, like testified from the registry of the presences. During
the last few years the number of the static personages and in motion
decidedly is increased, the complexity of the buildings, the cure of the
particular and the perfection of the mechanisms has caught up elevates
levels to you. In the realization more than width it is the wealth of
the particular that us guide. With the ingenious use of poor materials,
which wood, several iron polistirolo and compounds of recovery, we
render them noble. The extended natività is one of the most recent and
better one succeeded realizations. Edition 2003 has seen us to
participate to organized the provincial competition for cribb from the
"Movimento Cristiano Lavoratori MCL Brescia", where in our category
there are classifies you to according to place. Edition 2005 previews
one new disposition and several innovationes, in the first instance the
new center, piu' still large, in the rooms of "Palazzo Restelli"; and
still more the new acclimatization “the search of the inn” that joins to
the ultine noste realizations “the casari” and “mungitura cammelle”.
Also this year for all the period of opening will be prepared the
christmas stall (unskilled labors, embroiderys and a lot other) and the
visitors will be able to be heat to you from the great fire ignited in
the park, to taste the vin brulè and sgranocchiare the immancabili roast
chestnuts or to taste the saporitissime and always appreciate “crusts of
cheese” to irons. As every year all the proceeds will come donated in